Sources Cited:

All Text
All text on this site was created by and is Copyright Travis H. Beaver, 1999-2001. The Introduction is adapted from my web site TravBeav's Drive-In Theater Page. Background color was chosen to be easily readable with the black text, but mostly for its nostalgic "1950's appliance green" color.

Composite Image
Created using a variety of Photoshop tools. Images were scanned at 75dpi from personal photos and cut and pasted with feathering into separate layers. Background was constructed using a gradient from red to yellow to blue. Top lettering was formed by utilizing an intense drop shadow, and the date text was a glow effect.

Title Banner
Created using Fireworks. An image from a personal photo of a drive-in theater marquee was scanned, cut, and pasted three times. Background was set to a shade of red for the red to green contrast. Text was made with a glow and drop shadow combination.

Image 1
The image on the first page was scanned at 75dpi into Photoshop where I saved the image you can see here. This was a newspaper article taken from the Rochester Times-Union, May 6, 1993. I then rotated the image slightly, and cropped it. I then applied a minimal amount of resizing to make it somewhat smaller. I saved it as JPEG due to the color variations.

Image 2
The image on the first page was scanned at 75dpi into Photoshop where I saved the image you can see here. This was a newspaper article taken from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle April 14, 1951. I then cropped and resized the image to make it somewhat smaller. I saved it as a GIF due to the 1-bit color and lack of any gradients.

Image 3
The image on the first page was scanned at 75dpi into Photoshop where I saved the image you can see here. This was a newspaper article taken from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle September 5, 1992. I then cropped the image. In the end, I ended up saving this as a JPEG due to the gradients of black and white in the ad.

Image 4
The image on the first page was scanned at 75dpi into Photoshop where I saved the image you can see here. This was a personal photograph taken in May 1993. I then cropped the image, and saved it as a JPEG due to the photographic quality gradients and colors.

Image 5
The image on the first page was scanned at 75dpi into Photoshop where I saved the image you can see here. This was a newspaper article taken from the Rochester Times-Union, September 7, 1972. I then rotated the image 90 degrees CW, and cropped it. I then resized the image to make the size more manageable. Final file type was JPEG due to the need for detail and smoothing with the lettering.

Animated GIF
Created in Fireworks using text tool, bevel and emboss, and drop shadow. Paint bucket option used to color the final frame red. Looped forever in the Fireworks export control. Timing changed to 200ms for the final frame.

Images and text aligned using the ALIGN property. I used LEFT or RIGHT depending on which side of the screen I wanted the image to load in. Horizontal rules were used to separate the main content of each page from the copyright and legal information at the bottom. Absolute and relative links were used throughout the site. With the varying sizes of images, I did not feel that tables would be appropriate.

Quicktime Video
Captured video from Jan Krawitz's 1986 documentary "Drive-In Blues" at 160x120 and 22050KHz 16-bit mono sound. Compressed into Quicktime format with Cinepak compression and no audio compression. Added clip of "I Will Remember You," a 1999 copyrighted song by Sarah McLaughlin, using the Add command. Created ending image with Photoshop using drop shadow and outer glow effects and added it over the end of the music. Re-saved entire clip as .mov.

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Last updated September 10, 2001.

Site created, maintained and ©1999-2001 by Travis H. Beaver, all rights reserved.
Trademarks, corporate logos, and print media are the property of their respective owners
and have not been altered in any way.